How We Collaborate

San Francisco State University is dedicated to social and climate justice. 

Created in 2021, Climate HQ empowers SF State's diverse students, staff and faculty to become Climate Justice Leaders. By actively advancing Climate Justice both within California and beyond, Climate HQ strives to create a global impact in addressing climate challenges and fostering just and sustainable solutions.  

An organization within Associated Students, the Environmental Resource Center aims to educate our student body and campus community about environmental issues, their direct intersections with environmental justice and life practices we can all adapt to live more environmentally conscious and sustainable lives.  

You can not fight for climate justice or earn a degree if you can not take care of yourself. That’s why SF State provides basic needs and wellness services for all students. 

  • Health Promotion & Wellness provides health education and actively promotes a culture of wellness focusing on drug use, mental health, nutrition, sexual health and social & emotion wellness. Health promotion & Wellness creates opportunities for students to enact healthy behaviors through advocacy, campaigns, programming, events, workshops and peer health leadership programs. Check out the SF State Wellness Map.

  • Food+Shelter+Success, SF State's Basic Needs Initiative, supports students’ ability to reach their full potential at SF State by providing food, housing and financial crisis support programs, services and referrals. Equitable access to housing, food, medical care and education are critical, undeniable and foundational elements of racial and social justice. 

The Division of Equity & Community Inclusion is responsible for leading, coordinating, implementing and evaluating a broad range of sustained programs, initiatives, events and activities designed to: facilitate intercultural/intergroup dialogue, promote equity and inclusion, advance social justice and improve campus climate for all of our students. Among several desired outcomes, most notably Equity & Community Inclusion works collaboratively with campus partners (including student clubs and organizations) to close the educational equity gap in support of our Graduation Initiative 2025 goals, as well as fuel and support our diverse students’ hopes and dreams to graduate and go on to make a positive impact in their communities and on the world.

Children at science fair

Climate Action Goals

Updated January 2025

  • Continue to promote climate justice on campus and in our community.
  • Create an annual climate justice panel event. 
    • Accomplished and in progress.
  • Hold annual EcoFests and Earth Week events. 
    • Accomplished and in progress.
  • Build the Equity Community Inclusion Center. 
    • Expected to open at the end of Spring 2025 semester. 
  • Provide local career development opportunities for sustainability and climate justice by included more sustainability-focused institutions at job fairs and creating a job fair dedicated to sustainability. 
    • The Climate Careers webpage was created. 
    • A Climate Career Fair is now hosted every year during Earth Week. 
  • Create a climate lounge with community events to connect students, faculty and staff through ongoing collaborations. 
  • Increase the graduation rate for freshmen and transfer students to 69% and 86%, respectively and close underrepresented minors and Pell gap by 2025. (Graduation Initiative 2025 Goals

AASHE STARS Report 2023

Diversity & Affordability Category:
Credit Status Points
Diversity and Equity Coordination (PA-5)  Complete 1.56 / 2.00
Assessing Diversity and Equity (PA-6)  Complete 0.75 / 1.00
Support for Underrepresented Groups (PA-7)  Complete 2.92 / 3.00
Affordability and Access (PA-8)  Complete 2.37 / 4.00